The latest in AI Innovation



A couple playing a VR game

1 min read

A New Virtual Reality Method Shows Promise for Reducing Anxiety

A recent study published in Applied Sciences explores the potential of a novel virtual reality (VR) method for reducing anxiety and inducing...

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woman sitting in chair wearing a VR headset next to a waterfall

2 min read

Revolutionizing Therapy: The Advantages of VR Approach for Anxiety and PTSD

Introduction: In recent years, virtual reality (VR) has emerged as a groundbreaking tool in the field of mental health treatment. In this article,...

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Man sitting in hospital bed looking at a beautiful sky scene

2 min read

Impact of Increased Baby Boomers in Assisted and Palliative Care on Generation Z: Exploring the Advantages of Immersive Technologies

Introduction: As the number of Baby Boomers entering assisted and palliative care continues to rise, Generation Zer’s are showing a significant...

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Man sitting in a chair with a VR headset on, in front of a large window with trees outside

2 min read

Breaking Barriers: Conquering Phobias through Virtual/ Augmented Reality and 8D Sound

Introduction: Phobias can be debilitating, hindering individuals from leading a fulfilling and unrestricted life. The fear associated with phobias...

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Child sitting in a VR pod having an immersive experience while in a hospital

2 min read

Virtual Reality as a Therapeutic Tool in Pediatric Oncology: Alleviating Pain and Anxiety

Introduction: The world of pediatric oncology is one that requires not only advanced medical treatments but also compassionate care that addresses...

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